Trevor W. Hayton

Experimental; Thrust 1


University of California, Santa Barbara

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Group Website:


The Hayton group is attempting to answer fundamental question about the electronic structure of the actinide ions. In particular, we pioneered the use of NMR spectroscopy for the evaluation of covalency in these elements.  NMR spectroscopy is a widely available, but rarely used, method of measuring 5f covalency that is complementary to more established methods. Using this technique, we have quantified An-L covalency for a variety of ligand types, including chalcogenides, carbenes, alkyls, amides, and nitrides, and for a variety of isotopes, including 13C and 15N.  These elements are found in some of the most important actinide ligand classes, including alkyls, carbenes, polypyridines, amides, imidos, and nitrides, giving us an unprecedented window into the electronic structures of these species. Our current focus is on understanding covalency in actinide hydride and borohydride complexes using 1H NMR spectroscopy, in collaboration with the Vlaisavljevich and Daly groups in TRU CoRE. 

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